Leader means ?
Coaching for Aligned Living and Leading, I call it.
For whom - for leaders.
But I hesitate to state it like that.
It feels misplaced, unaligned to say “leaders.”
Because we ve come to associate leader with a title, a designation, a position of authority over others, with a certain kind of persona that must include a set of pre-defined traits and skills to be acquired externally.
But that is not what I mean when I say leader.
With leader, I mean any human who engages in the act of leading.
Leading as in :
- owning responsibility first & foremost for one’s own state, actions and consequences thereof.
- Oneself and/or others.
- Occasionally and/or daily.
- In personal and/or in professional sphere.
So in that sense is not each human a leader ?
And each leader human ?
Also I can’t see how there can be leading others without leading oneself first.