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What's my purpose ? made simple.

Pic of my Pomodoro clock set to 15 minutes to write this post. I took 2 hours :)

Your PURPOSE IS TO G.I.V.E. (Mine too. Everybody's actually.)


I - IMPACT (the positive kind)


E - ETERNAL WISDOM (of one's soul connected with Universal wisdom).

Simply put :

Your PURPOSE is to :

Use your GIFTS to create positive IMPACT in a way that is

aligned with your VALUES and guided by ETERNAL wisdom

(of your Soul and the Universe).

Simple ? Complete ?

Yes. Begin with G for GIFTS :

We tend to see gifts as some extra special, world-changing , unique talents or qualifications or skills only we seem to have. Which most of us rarely believe we have, let alone identify as a gift.

So even this I have simplified (I told you I love to! ) .

Gifts are not only what you have to give to others. Gifts are also what you have been given. After all, you have been given these gifts so you may G.I.V.E your gifts forward. Agree ?

So start with the gifts you have no doubt you have : Your body, your mind, your energy, your attention, your time, your learnings from your life experiences.

Start with becoming aware of how you are using and how you choose to use these gifts. These are what make you uniquely YOU. The talents, skills and qualifications have their place but its easier to first get clear on the essential ones.

Questions you can ask yourself to get clarity :

What energy do I choose to bring to and radiate in every situation ?

What do I choose to believe (mindset) about myself, my worth, my value add, about life, about people, about what's possible ?

How do I choose to treat and use the gift of my physical body ?

Do I choose to use my attention to learn about and listen to others ?

How best do I want to use the gift of. time everyday ? Doing what ? With whom ?

See ? Simple ?

Get started here. Then explore your own answers to each of the G.I.V.E :

G - What are my gifts ?

I - How do I want to use them to create what kind of positive impact ?

V - What values do I choose to live by ?

E - What eternal wisdom/guidance do I receive from my inner voice/my highest self/my soul/the Universe) that I choose to guide me ?

Have fun and love the journey :)




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